Lifetime – 40 years in business and culture

The Shades of the Ambitions Worldwide

Kurt Lykke Lindved Ph.D Culture and Development - UN Lecturer and Writer Honored Dutch Counsel Former CEO in EAC Entertainer and Event Management

Kurt Lykke Lindved Ph.D
Culture and Development – UN
Lecturer and Writer
Honored Dutch Counsel
Former CEO in EAC
Entertainer and Event Management

The life’s tree has diverse and creatividentities. The many billion people now living on this planet called Earth, was said to have been born and raised in generations – a joint service where everyone should be protected under the broad wings.
The wings, however, were shot by “people” who didn’t understand what and why this planet is an offer of development and coexistence in all life’s aspects.
During the now ended Christmas period I often found this event as being plat, commercial and destructive The top of the world has become cynical and the majority in the top of the pyramid is looking at their investments, stock market, bonds and the many investment groups that today controls everything including God, as many confides for, when the fever ends up in the read area.

If we look at the destructive development I do believe that the traditional GOD is death and the world’s living organisms` can unfold their destructive, chaotic, stupid and harmful activity _73377287_017715458-1vfregardless of who is maimed, killed, beheaded or tortured to dead.
At ringside spectators have been able to intervene – the elected politicians, kings and generals – but they close it rather with one or both eyes with a glass of champagne for the palate.
Well, I have been through more than just these headings – has lived in 12 different countries and seen, experienced and worked with many different cultures. Through life’s wood is rooting great and mighty. Somewhere has every individual started on equal terms but not on equal terms.

Outside Thule Air Base

Outside Thule Air Base

Life’s further development is often  depending of the place we are born on this planet. All human – animal – and plant species have basically the same physical and mental characteristics – with the exceptions of illness being incurable.

6235889-universeseToday we have many billions of people who would join the system, but it is more a ‘duck’ than reality. The management of all this is not visible to see or to hear.
Scientists are working flat out around the constituents of the universe, the soil and not least the earth’s creation and we know no more about the brain’s functions than about 75%.
Under these conditions, it is obviously difficult to get anything to ‘float’ in harmony at present, and perhaps never in mankind’s history. No one is perfect and no one can define what the word ‘perfect’ means.
universetThe Sun has, according to science decline by 5% of the total life but it does not mean that only science is entitled to claim that knowledge. Over the years I have visited some tribes – they point at a certain star in the universe and say ‘Our forefathers are living on that star, and we are in contact with them every day.

A coincidence perhaps, but on my mission for the Danish Royal Fleet and the Elite Corps., Greenland we discovered many stars as we could not detect immediately with or without our packed telescope. Suddenly one of the stars along the Milky Way became very much alive – We admired the sight of this almost acrobatic light show and suddenly but not long after we saw a huge meteor dropping down in the vicinity of our position. It was a meteor that weighed about 1,000 kg and this Meteor is now on display at the State’s Museum in Copenhagen.

The relationship between dog and master can not be described but feels instinctively like it was thought migration.

The relationship between dog and master can not be described but feels instinctively like it was thought migration.

This incident sparked our thinking about the universe versus our little planet which of course was in constant motion, observations and many other things. But this little round planet was suddenly just an excrescence in an infinite universe and most of all – Who or what had control of this huge jumble of planets, dark holes, asteroids, stars moons and much more. Was there even a certain structure that ensured the universe’s nature or just a random amount of chemical variants that occasionally were encountering together in an unfathomable sea of flames?

This incident sparked our thinking about the universe versus our little planet which of course was in constant motion, observations and many other things. But this little round planet was suddenly url bbgjust an excrescence in an infinite universe and most of all – Whom or what had control of this huge jumble of planets, dark holes, asteroids, stars, moons, planets and much more. Was there even a certain structure that ensured the universe’s nature or just a random amount of chemical variants that occasionally were encountering together in an unfathomable sea of flames?

We did not speak about religion or politics during our discussions about the universe – We did not belong to any religious organization but obviously given a name.
It was wonderful to be able to think and imagine along with the

severe hardships even though the current mission was conservation, repairs of radio installations, shoot a few polar bears who were sick and Russian soldiers who apparently had no geography in school – but a rifle with cartridges in if so, should use us as targets. The Russians objective was a partial conquest of the North Pole as a base to bomb Thule Air Base, the great radar station and shoot down two B52 military big flights having lots of nuclear bombs and missiles ready to reach the northern part of Russia and Moscow.


An extremely dramatic finish, it was also for our small community – two men with dog slades together the day or night’s 24 hours. A society that truly candles to know each fiber in two otherwise very different men happens. Yes and no I replied, certainly not if must compare this with a community in the rest of the world – perhaps the small tribes in the rain forests, but they have at least a chief and a few laws of nature, but was far from being a just in the vicinity of an average community. We should now separate ways in life’s many aspects – I was going to New York and Nik to Copenhagen to continue his law studies.

New York City

New York City

Luckily I have been in New York – otherwise I was probably died of a culture shock. The town was then inhabited by about 9 milliners human while large New York contained 16 million people. A large and rich society in several ways – All the world’s diverse cultures gathered in this stone cliff, which initially was called Amsterdam. The development and progress in which the city was built up was fast with the many immigrants and cultural difference, which followed in the water stripe of particular people from Europe. The many uncertain and too fragile migrants gathered in groups and it was lightning fast clear for the city’s executive staff that something could spiral out of control if one ethnic group made their own laws, rules and habits that usually follows from the home country they came from and where everything was taken from root to top.
Four years in New York could not but confuse the brain’s otherwise structural senses, so I began to think of this stew pot, dealing with ethically different people included skin color and an upbringing that perhaps was implemented from the home country.
Could this hold – would all residents be spacious enough to absorb even the most extreme people about what gradually became smaller communities in a united peaceful unit. Well under the circumstances, there was a quiet trend on the surface. The fuse, however, was short and races both politicians and other ethical and black people on the barricades.

img4b7d709b72ee7Status – A large part of the population had already crossed swords under the surface, but now visible on the streets and buildings with a variety of slogans and demands for better living conditions.

Now I had more experience observation and open questions standing around in my mind and the many molecules walked back and forth in my brain from right to left and vice versa. Greenland (which perhaps risk being green), the universe’s powerful energy and actually more exciting than the conservative life on earth although people with their slogans demanded all kinds of materialistic improving saves. I could not imagine that there were more people who THOUGHT OF ‘life’ – the life that had increased the population of the world with many trillions that should be allowed to live a decent life.
The next stop on my agenda will be Toronto, New Orleans, Mexico, Ecuador, Brazil , Nigeria, Malaysia and England
Life must be lived on life’s terms
Life has challenged life with miles of internal organs, senses, and cells
Life can be abused by others
But life is your own responsibility @KLL/-

www.reuters.comKurt Lykke Lindved

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