The postal service in Spain!

The Postal Chaos Service in Spain!

Kurt Lykke Lindved Ph.D Culture and Development - UN Lecturer and Writer Honored Dutch Counsel Former CEO in EAC Entertainer and Event Management

Kurt Lykke Lindved Ph.D
Culture and Development – UN
Lecturer and Writer
Honored Dutch Counsel
Former CEO in EAC
Entertainer and Event Management

Letters, packages, etc. from other EU countries and overseas countries has become a major chaos, with many, notably from abroad do not receive their letters or packages.

It is an utterly situation of the people living as immigrants in Spain and with long distances whether it is within or outside the EU’s borders.

Since I emigrated to Spain, there are at least 20 letters I have not received yet, and among these important documents.

It is usually young people who distribute mail in the area where I live – on the border between Nerja and Torrox. There are many international people in the area, and an investigation has shown that some have waited for their post for over a year even after repeated request to the main office and the government.

For the record, I will repeat my address as follows:

Kurt Lykke Lindved
Paseo Tamango Hill 21 -5
Tel: (+34) 609 519 764

This mail is sent to the main part of The Spanish Post Offices as well as organizations and business people in Europe.

Yours sincerely,
Kurt Lykke Lindved, Ph.D
Professor in “Maritime Law
Tulane University, New Orleans

12195979_181191712223979_8378585287845780371_nAn example on a postbox house for one street – Inside post boxes with names and street numbers – But eventual post is often located on the floor.